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The demise of the Urb

If reindeer keeper is correct and The Sports Centre are having to move entertainment back inside then tell me are they going to close windows and doors as well. Very well done Consum. and your local band of complainers. Sports centre has operated for 25 years outside in the summer months you johnny come latlies have between you done a grand job. I can see the For Sale Boards for the whole Urbanisation going up ar the Entrance as one drives in.
The name of the bar that first started to complain and posted on this forum about outside music at the sports centre has been taken off, of this post as they think it is slander. BUT their posting was up here for all to see.

La Marina

That really does not make sense as the last time they tried that I think it was Woody who was on stage, he found it far to hot and was near to passing out, and that was with the stage by the window and windows wide open. What a load of Bull all this is.

Commented Hope in La Marina 2014-06-27 16:24:10 UTC

It is going to be a bit of a shock to posh when they find out that there piece of paper is not very watertight. Permits to perform outside can only be granted in Benidorm as they are deemed to be a tourist area.That is Valencia legislation.

Commented Have A Nice Day in La Marina 2014-06-27 16:33:56 UTC

Would love to hear a comment back from weejohn He does often have his ear to the ground. This to us on La Marina is a very important matter as it is possible the breaking point for the urb.

Commented Douglas in La Marina 2014-06-27 19:16:22 UTC

I'm not on the Urb at the moment so don't know whats going on presently, however it doesn't matter really what we as individuals or even Councillors think on the Urb this is coming from Valencia and has little to do with anybody other than the residents around Consume who have in their wisdom appointed a human rights lawyer to press their case,perhaps we should do the same because they are affecting our human rights to enjoy ourselves. I have had a house on the Urb over 10yrs and the changes in the last couple of years have not been for the better, however I do accept you cant have some bars allowed music outside with amplifiers and microphones and others not allowed. Now i first stayed on the Urb at the far end near the police station & tourist info which by the way weren't even there then however the bars in the area had music as did the sports center outside and in with no complaints that i'm aware of . I have since moved to the other end of the Urb near the Barclays and again there are bars and restaurants etc near by and again no complaints that i'm aware of.Now ive been going to Consume Square for years now even when I stayed at the other end and I would suggest that its much more controlled now than ever it was, I'm not saying there's no noise but it is to a lesser extent and finished by midnight. I don't think that's unreasonable for either the residents or the bar owners and isn't it peculiar that the only 2 bars with the necessary licences are in THE Consume area . It would appear the gripe is between the residents around Consume and all the rest are innocent bystanders caught up in collateral crossfire but he law is the law for all not for some and unless our Councillors can take on Valencia and remember most are from San Fulgencio and couldn't care less what happens on the Urb we are just a cash cow for them although I think in recent years we have had a better share we can argue among ourselves as to whether it could have been better used but that's another story.
I've said it before but its still a great place to live the sun shines,loads of good bars and restaurants only half hour from the airport I THOUGHT THE POINT TO OWNING A HOUSE AND LIVING IN SPAIN WAS TO ENJOY THE WAY OF LIFE. And those that don't like the way of life have the ultimate sanction move out or go back home

Commented Weejohnten in La Marina 2014-06-28 08:31:49 UTC

Good to see a sensible and informed reply from weejohn.
I took a walk up there last night, it's like someone is just taking the mick, all was well, well almost all, was business as usual without saying to much Bella Luna had been framed. So well done to Pallo and Helena you got round it. Was ever so busy by the way.

Commented Sunshine in La Marina 2014-06-28 09:14:21 UTC

Well said Weejohn,
Still don't understand where this talk of human rights lawyers come from and who is paying the bill. I very much doubt if any human rights Lawyers exist in Spainj, I would love to hear where this talk originated, my guess from the Local Council, or from Valencia, It saves them upsetting half a dozen people, they can blame Lawyers and courts. Come on Local Councillors or valencian delegates put up or shut up. Who is this so human rights lawyer, and who is footing his bill. But why don't the Bar owners grow some balls and threaten to sue the council and Valencia for restraint of trade,plenty of that happening on the Urb at the moment. Lets see who has the balls and is willing to take on this idiot Council and Regional wasters. Stop trying to defend ourselves all the time , it is time we attacked,.
Yes I am thoroughly pissed off with morons walking over me.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-06-28 10:06:00 UTC

So a few facts and a bit of the hidden TRUTH is now coming out. The bars were advised to form an association a while back, when Tommy was putting in all that effort to try and help. Stop attacking each other and work together IT IS TIME for the bars to form a strong association and fight back!!!!!
Now is the time for a Mole to name a few names me thinks, name and shame time just to get the ball rolling.

Commented Spanish Connections in Rentals in Spain 2014-06-28 10:52:56 UTC

Spanish Connection,
Yes a good start, lets get the ball rolling, It would be good if a few of the many bar owners started showing their anger, that they must have at the treatment they have been given by the Police, the Council and Valencia, Don't leave it all to just one or two bars ,start shouting and shout loud and clear, that you will not be treated as second rate people. Not one of you would of stood for the crap you are being dealt in La Marina, If you were back in England,
so why bottle out of it in Spain. Human Rights are for everybody not just the favoured few.
Yes I am still pissed off of being treated as a second rate person. I demand equality and truthfulness.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-06-28 11:30:03 UTC

This is just a wild through away comment not my usual type of thing but here's a point could the talk of lawyers be a question of how much compensation can we get rather than how much noise there is ?
Just a thought noise might not be the driving issue any longer

Commented Weejohnten in La Marina 2014-06-28 11:55:15 UTC

We strongly deny anything to do with the town halls decision to stop outside live music, in fact we are in favour of it, also we have nothing to do with the complainers around the Consum area & the human rights lawyer they have employed, so I recommend you get your facts right, your post implies we had something to do with the Sport centers decision to move music inside, we did not & strongly deny any such accusation, please remove our name from your post its first degree slander !

Commented Dell in La Marina 2014-06-28 12:59:07 UTC

We have not deleted or edited any post's on ASL all my post's are still there to be seen by everyone & have been commented on, by many people, neither have we complained about any live outside music, as I said we are in total agreement with live outside music, you seem to be very persistent in your comment ? why do you think we would complain about outside live music, do you have anything against our bar or the bars in Consum ?

Commented Dell in La Marina 2014-06-28 15:50:26 UTC

Hoggs Head Very positive that you had a posting up here mentioning why should they be allowed to, It caught my eye at the time. It was strange that the next thing was that they now had a meeting with the powers that be. Hence it looked a little like sour grapes from your side old boy. I do though appreciate that you are in favour of music for all outside at reasonable times
Plus interestingly Alan has now gone all shy I say his post and read it a short while ago.

Commented Spanish Connections in Rentals in Spain 2014-06-28 16:07:24 UTC

How NAUGHTY of you weejjohn. You could have possibly scored a hole in one there? If so who would foot the bill????

Also YES Hoggs Head posting caught my eye when it went up.

Commented Douglas in La Marina 2014-06-28 16:12:09 UTC

It might be a better idea if ALL the people who enjoy music on the urb were to stand behind the bar owners and get up a petition to send to the Valencian Government. When I commented once about the House Suma being higher in Almoradi than la Marina Urb I was told it was because La Marina was classed as a Tourist Area. Confused.com it seems we are fobbed off with anything but the truth.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2014-06-28 16:57:32 UTC

Spanish Connections,
You are right about a couple of comments by the Hogs Head, They were on the link with the heading
'Valencian Pilot Scheme Agreement' which is now relegated to page two.
You are also correct about my comment which I deleted as I decided it was inappropriate in that I had criticized someone for using the word 'Slander' when the word to use was 'Libel', On thinking about what I had written on this Forum I realized how many mistakes I make in my English and my spelling , So I shouldn't be criticizing others when they make mistakes. I did have something else to say but another time will do for that.
The main thing is to all stop accepting the crap this Council is foisting on us, It is time for them to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth, Rubbish is what is put in bins, they have to learn not to try and feed us with it. I am truly wound up by what is going on in this Urb.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-06-28 17:26:47 UTC